Software engineering is entering a new stage


I regularly read or see content on the internet that I want to give an opinion on. Instead of writing comments out in the darkness of deep space (aka YouTube comments, x replies, etc.), I store them here on my IDE.

29 Jan. 2024, 6.30 PM

In addition/response to the following content:

  • Adam Geringer's tweet

  • Santiago's tweet about agile/ scrum

  • Techleads YouTube videos

The STEM Degree SCAM: Why I Quit Coding.

Why Coding is DEAD... and how to make money online.

Why You Should Not Learn to Code (as an ex-Google programmer)

Why "senior software engineer" isn't worth it... (as an ex-Google tech lead)

Software engineering has changed... (a manifesto)

Short note/ response

Software engineering is NOT an attractive job or a great position on its own. It should be part of some other field you like. The great name software engineers once had is long gone. You are sitting 8 hours in your cubicle staring at a screen. You are spending your days solving worthless tickets. You work for inhumane, creativity-killing systems like Agile and Scrum. You are time-tracking everything and need to justify every hour of your day. You're being outsourced by cheap labor forces elsewhere. There is absolutely no shortage of software engineers (especially junior profiles). Since Corona, we have seen massive layoffs of software engineers, not just for the big tech but everywhere. It can be hard to find a job as a software engineer. There is a shortage of technical people, but not developers. Looking at the list of today's most wanted jobs in the Belgian market ( src. vrtnws article), we see no developer positions. I am, too, broadening my view. I changed from a full-time software position to a more diverse function, combining software with work in the field. It doesn't mean there are no opportunities in software. It is just that the landscape has changed, and the profession has evolved.

Honestly, what is the difference between a software engineer and a factory worker or a construction worker? The premium feeling and benefits of being a software engineer are a thing of the past. Software engineering has become a profession like any other low-paying worker.