You can never learn everything. It is a Highly specialized work society


Nobody really knows how a computer fully works. Like hardware wise, software low to high-end coding, physics of transistors, how to produce silicon chips, electrical circuits, OS level integrations, .. How to make a screen, how to fabricate a mouse, build a webcam, ...

We're only strong as a society. Individuals are limited. We are doing incredibly specialized work. A good entrepreneur doesn’t do 🤗 (open arms, indicating to do everything) but 👆 (one finger, indicating to one specific expertise, one thing only, but doing that one thing incredibly well, outperforming all others for that specific thing)

Do you think Apple's CEO (Tim) knows how a chip works? Did you think Steve Jobs knew how to code?

Does an electrician need to know how to assemble a voltmeter?

Does a trucker need to know how the truck's engine is assembled? Does he need to know how the metal used in the truck was created (melted, raw materials attracted from the earth, etc.)? How to do maintenance?

No, it is for someone with a different, specialized expertise.

Nobody has a full 360• view of a modern product (car, phone, etc.). We all have our own highly specific expertise field in the chain. And it takes many many fields of expertise to get to a finished product.

Extracting raw materials> logistics> production line setup> elecktricity usage> .. before iPhone is finished

Nobody constructs an apartment on his own; from brig production to electricity provisioning to sanitary facilities, it is the work of specialized teams that only do one or very few specific things.

Even the president of the USA has a limited view and doesn’t understand how the world fully works. Everybody is just doing something. Nobody really knows all the answers to all the questions of modern life.