Introduction to my training schedule, apps I use and my personal fitness calendar


I do all my training sessions intuition based. I don’t like training schemes. If I have a great day, I will do an extra, if not I will do my best. I am still looking for the balance. I am still figuring out what works for me and what doesn't.

Early morning beach run, with a soft sunrise, gentle waves, and a jogger, Robbe, reflecting a theme of tranquility and active lifestyle

I especially like early morning running sessions along the beach. This photo was taken during a cold, winter morning.

I run on the feeling. The miles or the times are less important to me, what’s important to me is my mental state during and after my workout. I do it to have that ‘great feeling’ afterward. Also, I care more about routine and being able to do a small training session daily instead of one bigger workout just once a week. Besides running, I do some other sports as well. I like to hike (slowly). I stretch regularly. I do some minor power training. I ride with my bicycle. I swim, even know I am anything but a good fish. I try to meditate daily. I love to do other sports as well, but those are not a routine.

I never log all my workouts in an app. I like the spontaneity of being around in nature. I like going to the sea or the woods and having that real offline connection with my environment instead of the constant connection and distractions of modern life. I try to eat and sleep healthy. I do find it stimulating to run with music, but I don’t do that very often.

I however do log some of my workouts. I share some insights of them in online tools. It helps me stay motivated to workout. My running workouts are available on strava (update 08/23: discontinued), and I am also to a lesser extent active on komoot. I am using an app called Daily Bean to track my emotions and reflect on how I'm feeling each day. I am investing a lot of resources into the wellbeing of my mental state. I regularly use the Medito app to find more guidance in my meditations. I am still experimenting with yoga.

I share my workout calendar on iCloud calendars. You can subscribe to it. The name of the calendar is fitness-robbe. The calendar is an overview of my past activities. I use it to reflect on my fitness week. The full webcal URL for my fitness calendar is the following: (right click here & copy URL)

You can subscribe to it by adding a new calendar to your iCloud calendar app (apple users), choose add a subscription calendar and paste the URL inside it.

Every month I make a short, public analyze of my fitness and my mental well-being in the fitness section of my IDE (update 08/23: discontinued because it is not productive enough and it is hard to measure a 360° picture based on inaccurate data points).

My sister achieved her PR while running with me early in the morning.