A day in the life of a modern-day hunter-gatherer


8 am, no alarm clocks. waking up to the natural rhythms of the sun is always great.

8.25 am checking out the weather conditions from my shelter place inside my rock before hunting at the open sea

watching the sea from under the rock

9 am meditating and yoga between the rocks with a good view of the ocean and a great sunrise

yoga at the beach shadow of a yoga pose

10 am hunting time. catching some lobsters, fish, and mussels

catching lobster for dinner

4 pm celebrating my catches. praying to the gods

6 pm preparing a campfire for tonight with flints (stones)

Robbe preparing to make a fire under a rock, on the beach along the sea

8 pm reflecting on how my day went. thinking about the true meaning of life

A beautiful sunset over a calm ocean with vibrant orange and pink hues reflecting on the water.

9 pm warming myself at a mini campfire. Looking at the night sky. Catching some falling stars

The next day, 8 am It was a windy night. It is time to go back to the 'present' society again. I missed the comforts of modern-day life, but I also appreciated the luxury of having so much time to think, to be in nature all day long, to live on the rhythm of the sun, and to be self-sufficient.